Create a link to your Google reviews

Create a link to your Google reviews

1080 Design Google My BusinessY ou are probably well aware of those business listings that come up at the top of Google search engine results, and may even have one yourself. If not and you’re also not sure what they are or what they do, read about Why your business should have a Google My Business listing and make sure you get yours listed right away, you are missing out on a lot!

So you have a Google My Business listing and you know how it works and what it does and you probably even have some reviews. If you have ever left a review on another business you will know how to do that as well. But did you know you can actually make the whole process of letting people leave a review on your business a whole lot easier?

Here, we will show you how you can create a link to your Google reviews so that your customers will be taken directly to the reviews section without having to search for your business and click on a bunch of buttons to get there. The idea is that we create as little friction as possible mean a better chance people will carry out the process. The only catch is, your customers will need to have an existing Google account as you must be logged in to leave a review and reason behind this is to maintain integrity of the system which is totally understandable.

The idea is that we create as little friction as possible mean a better chance people will carry out the process...

So how do you create a link to your Google reviews?

Its super easy! the first thing you need to do is find your place ID which is basically a unique code that represents your Google Business Listing and your location.

To find this, simply go to the Google place ID locator. There are full instructions on the page on how to do it but to put it simply, all you have to do is type in the name of your business and find it in the list. Click on your business and a pop up box will display some information and in there you will see the place ID. Copy the place ID somewhere and then use the following piece of code…

and paste your place ID at the end. If we use 1080Design as an example, it would look like this…

You can always take it one step further too and create a nice vanity link like this…


It’s that easy, now you can include this link in your emails, on your website and send your customers directly to your Google reviews. Feel free to leave us review while you’re there if you’re happy with our work 😉

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